Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Self Employment: Rewards and Challenges

Good morning everyone!

Tuesday is already here this week (it feels like Monday flew by me), and I'm already in to the work day, planning it out. The awesome thing about being self employed and in a nearly self employed sales position is that I get to essentially manage my own day. That is rewarding in itself, but there are other rewards as well. I'm not going to glorify the work that I do or the approach that I've taken, but I wanted to share some of the ways that I find fulfillment in my work and give others insight in to how to "be your own boss" in ways that fit the bill.

The opportunities that exist today with the technology that we have available to us are really vast. There are people making money doing nearly everything online and they're paying the bills with it! Whether it's blogging full time, doing online marketing for other businesses, building web sites, designing web sites, consulting, or just selling goods on EBay, it's happening. Which leads me to my next point: there is something for everyone.

I chose a career in mortgage banking and real estate, both of which don't necessarily require my physical presence to do the job. This doesn't mean that I don't have to show up to work or be present intellectually to do the job. I do! In some capacity or another I'm working throughout most of my day. The difference for me though is that it doesn't feel like work. I have surrounded myself with people that are my friends and I share work space with them or I subcontract them. This makes "work" not so work-like.

With the management of rental properties, I have a very dependable contracting crew that I can call at pretty much any time of the day or night to fix whatever problem may arise. This makes my life much easier and it was through trial and error that this network became what it is today. With the mortgage banking side of my life, I have a great network of Realtors and business referral partners that I have had the pleasure of working with and along side for the duration of my 8 years in the business. These people have also become my friends and make "work" seem a lot less like a burden.

So... what am I getting at? Surround yourself with the people and challenges that will make you better at what you do! Make your life what you want it to be by bringing those aspects in to your life.

Why am I posting about this? I have been reading many blogs for quite a while now and I feel the knowledge and information that is lacking with a lot of them is how they got to where they are now, and what really set them apart. Many of the "bloggers" that I follow make a living doing what they do. They talk about getting advertisers, freelance gigs, etc. but don't really talk much about the relationships that they have cultivated through the years to further their careers organically. I think this may be the most important part of a career. It is with mine!

So, with that in mind, I hope you take your dreams seriously and follow every passion you have. There are ways that you can make a living from it in today's market. Don't let the economy stifle you and your creativity. Push on!


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